Aug 30, 2023
On the Constellations Podcast, we’ll discuss the changing face of space sustainability, autonomously tracking objects with radar and leveraging artificial intelligence to manage large quantities of dynamic data. During this episode, Dr. Rachit Bhatia, Space Safety Analytics and Research Lead, LeoLabs, talks about...
Aug 16, 2023
Over 20,000 smallsats are being launched over the next decade driven by the growing demand for data and services across the globe. All these new constellations need scalable, flexible, and on-demand ground services. This is driving the growth of the Ground Station as a Service (GSaaS) market. The market grew at 8.5%...
Aug 2, 2023
On the Constellations Podcast, we’ll discuss geo-registration incorporating artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve accuracy greatly. During this episode, Ken Campbell, President of Edgybees Incorporated, will talk about how geo-registration is aligning or matching digital maps and images to real-world...